Wednesday, August 6, 2008


hello reader(s) , haha (:
its 11.30 p.m. sharp and im not in bed sleeping yet .urrr , my eye bags r forcing me to ' tutup kedai ' lol ,
err , k back to the thing . uhm im actually gonna type something abt today . uhm
haha yes yes today me and my bestie was hired by zafirah to be her private outfit planner( lol sounds BODO kan ? ) but i really lovee that job . haha
we talked abt what zafirah is gnna wear to her date with her boyfriend kot ? haha
uhmm , whats urban style btw? hahah today we didnt even study that much pon .
cikgu sume cam penat gila ann . bnyk relief aje . BESTTT haha.
andd andd . OMG omar wont keep his mouth shut even for just a second -,-
okay so syarafina gv him one ringgit . he told syarafina dia bising sbb dia nk duit
utk beli airr . haha , mcm kesian gilaa? haha dia ckp nnti dia byr balek
but then , dia bising AGAIN . i was a bit pissed off so i bg je aa an dia
one ringgit fer free.
pastu mukhafi plak nk nyanyi2 kat ktorang , kesian aa gak mcm peminta sedekah .
but haha tgk diorang pon mcm HAHAHA gilaaaa .
uhmm dia tak dpt pape , pity dia :(
&& i saw my boyfriend td , dia comelllllllllll gila baii .
eeeeee . cant get my eyes of him but then he saw so cepat2 aa cover . hhaa
btw mr carrot kena report yg syarafina and eka tried to HURT his girlfriend ,

mase balek jalan2 smpai rumah , haha eh takkk . naek kereta . haha